
There are various expressions that define training: learning, knowledge, skills, open new horizons, challenge new perspectives. And still, learn by playing, representations, curiosity, experience, awareness, respect, dignity.
"again and again the individual case turns out to be unimportant, but the possibility of each individual case discloses something about the essence of the world…" (Wittgenstein, Tractatus logico-philosophicus,1961)
These words define my philosophy: every situation as well as each person have dignity by itself, while their meanings deserve to be explored under an holistic approach.
Children remind us that we learnt the most part when we were unskilled, when we were young. Recalling this knowledge is basic to foster the ability to learn by playing, to challenge difficulties, to learn and develop innovative solutions.
The group dimension favors the intimacy and the sharing between people in order to increase own awareness, new skills and new competences.

During my training sessions, independently to the issue at stake, I always try to foster the creation of some inner space to include the pure beauty of learning and the consciousness of living.
To meet the need to open up new ways and possibilities for analysis, critics, disposability to what is other and what belongs to others, in 2006 I created Multipolis. It is a role-play addressed to professionals, students and anyone working in the social field as well as to everyone who is interested to experience what's behind social, education, pedagogical, psychological themes through a self-experience of the differences inside the relation-of-care.
In my training sessions I am always focused to foster the dimension and the meanings of the relational dynamics in which the other person is always intended as an individual before being a patient, a user or a client. The protected setting allow to deepen into a logical space where participants can challenge themselves and feel what is really happening within the relation itself.
I work as a trainer and conductor of group-work sessions for Eu and national federations, foundations, training centre, municipalities and NGOs active in combating social exclusion and in promoting equal opportunities for all.
Between others, I collaborate with: FEANTSA (BE); National Thematic Networkon Refugees and Asylum Seekers (SE); SBAAS (PL); FIADDA Piedmont and national; FIOpsd (Roma); Municipalities of Torino, Udine, Codroipo, Collegno, Beinasco, Orbassano, Patto Territoriale Zona Ovest (To); Fondazione ComunitàSolidale, Istituto di Studi Sociali, associazione Murialdo (Tn); Cedas (Rovereto); Caritas in Trento, Udine, La Spezia, Bologna; Diciannove società cooperativa, Isforcoop, il Biscione (Ge); Reability, A Pieno Titolo, Onda Urbana, Amuleto, Cipet, Dasein, Melting Box, ForCoop, Valdocco, Fondazione Feyles (To), Cosep, Noi sulla strada (Pd); Forser e Cefap (Ud).

by & where
14. Nov. 2014
Il Biscione s.c. (Genoa)
Projecting social and educative programmes for minors
Funded by Foncoop
24. Oct. 2014
FEANTSA & Fiopsd, Bergamo
Sustainable employability pathways for people experiencing homelessness: myth or reality?The pros and cons of job creation through social cooperatives
Eu conference
June / July 2014
Cefap & Codroipo Municipality (Udine)
Social networking strategies and methodology of care-work
Financed by European Social Fund
Feb./March 2014
Coop. Animazione Valdocco co. Forcoop
Intro to psychiatric disease. Case study management in Psychiatric Daily Centre targeting recovery

.27 March 2014
Warsaw (PL)
Procedures, requisites & standard in the process to social clause in public procurements for homeless people
Financed by European Social Fund
Dec. 2013 / April 2014
Consolida Consortium (Trent)
- The taking in charge and the insertion into a residential service for mental disability
- crisis management in psychiatry
- closure of a rehabilitation programme
Financed by ESF – Provincial funds
Dec. 2013 / Feb 2014
Diciannove & Isforcoop (Genoa)
- project management in new Eu programmes 2014-2020
- budgeting and project management
Financed by Foncoop
29. Nov. 2013
Turin, Regional Board Psychologist
Parenting deaf children between communicative and psychological barriers: from the multiplicity of barriers to multiple solutions
Promoted by Regional Board of Psychologist - “Wellness week”
Oct. 2013 / Jan. 2015
Noi sulla Strada Ass. (Padoa)
Intensive supervision

June-July 2013
ForSer & Municipality Udine
Analysis of social exclusion. The participation approach and networking facilities
Financed by European Social Fund
11 May. 2013
Cosep, Vicenza
Perspectives of care-work from within

23 Jan. 2013
Murialdo (Tn)
Educational & communication skills in parenting

17 Nov 2012 & 9 Feb. 2013
Noi sulla Strada (Pd)
Intensive supervision

21,22 Jan. 2013
Fondaz. Comunità Solidale (Trento), Cedas (Rovereto)
Care-work: voluntarism and the homeless persons
Financed by European Social Fund
5, 6 Nov. 2012

Who is people experiencing homelessness today?
12-17 Nov. 2012
Regional Board of Psychologist
In time of austerity: how individuals face hardships and lack of resources within the trap of a system in “crisis”
Promoted by Regional Board of Psychologist - “Wellness week”
April/June 2012
Fiadda Association (Turin)
Group-work sessions dedicated to the experience of parenting deaf children

26 January 2013
Reability Association, Turin
I work socially, ergo sum. Introspection into the dimension of power and rank
3 days group work session in collaboration with Reability Association
1 December 2012

What I see when I listen. Building a mutual knowledge out of our senses
20 October 2012

The little theatre of No. From the fear to say no to the discover of the others
21 October 2011
FEANTSA, Luxembourg
Workshop: The role of skills and qualifications in ensuring quality of service delivery
EU conference: Quality in social services from the perspective of services working with homeless people
29 June 2011
S. Brother Albert Aid Society (PL)
Conference of the ESF project: Around Homelessness – Service Standards
2-3 October 2010
FIOpsd, Bergamo
Lavorare è/e partecipare (work and participation)
Training session open to FIOpsd members
20-21 September 2010
Cooperativa Diciannove, Genova
Eurobalance: diffondere la conciliazione vita-lavoro attraverso il championing (Eurobalance: education and training across Europe on Work Life Balance)
Workshop, EU project “Eurobalance” - financed by Leonardo Transfer of Innovation Programme
18-20 February 2010
FIOpsd, Verona
Workshop multipolis: Identità e funzioni dell'operatore: la reciprocità allo specchio (identity and role of the social worker: the reciprocity in the mirror)
training for coordinators of SSGI for people experiencing homelessness
October 2009 / May 2010
Fondazione Comunità Solidale Tn
- the social worker in the accompanying praxis: working within the weak-relationship
- operative praxis & network strategies
- networks & integration
Financed by European Social Fund
15 May 2009
FIOpsd - Genova
La dimensione europea delle politiche di contrasto alla homelessness (The EU dimension of the policy to combat homelessness)
Seminar of the AC annual conference
21 November & 5 dicembre 2008
FIOpsd e Caritas associazione La Spezia
workshop Multipolis: The multiple dimension of the homelessness issue
Workshop: the multiplicity of social exclusion
18 December 2007
Fondaz. Comunità Solidale Trento
workshop Multipolis: Charge and relational capacity in the the relation of care
workshop:experiment the relational dimension
13 November 2007
Ce.D.As. Rovereto (Tn)
workshop Multipolis: The social accompaniment with homeless people
strategies, methodology and competence in accompaniment praxis
30 October 2007
Ce.D.As. Rovereto (Tn)
The multiple dimension of social exclusion: methodological criteria
Workshop: the multiple dimension of poverty
22 October 2007
Melting Box, Torino
Workshop Multipolis: women experiencing homelessness
workshop @ Melting Box, International Fair of Rights and equal opportunity for all
19 October 2007
FEANTSA ,EU conference Zaragoza (ES)
Workshop:Multiple barriers, multiple solutions: inclusion into and through employment for people who are homeless
18 October 2007
FEANTSA Info day European conference, Zaragoza (ES)
Info Day presentation of MultiPolis: Multiple barriers, multiple solutions: inclusion into and through employment for people who are homeless
15-17 June 2006
Malmö (SW)
Workshop MultiPolis: Dealing with homelessness
EU project: CATCH - Creative Approach to Combat Homelessness, for coop. Parella
16-18 March 2006
Vienna (AT)
The gender issue in building relation of care with women experiencing homelessness
21-23 October 2004
Bologna (IT)
Homelessness and mental symptoms: from general representation to concrete offer
3-6 June 2004
Barcelona (ES)
Management of a pre-insertion laboratory for homeless people
15-17 Aprile 2004
Malmö (SE)
SSGIs address to homelessness in a post industrial scenario
5-6 April 2006
Institute for Social Study, Trento
strategies, methodology and competence in accompaniment praxis
Financed by European Social Fund
9-10 January 2006
FIOpsd and Fondazione Comunità Solidale Tn
The group dynamics
Training: The path within the way: sketches to manage action in support of homeless people in the streets
12-13 December 2005

Homelessness, a social issue
8-9 November 2005

Building direct relation of care with homeless people in the street
17-18 October 2005

People experiencing homelessness
24-26 October 2005
Museum of World Cultures Gothemborg (SW)
Sweden National Thematic Network annual conference
4 October 2005
Ente Scuola CIPET (To)
The personal data treatment in social work
Communication methodology
15 June 2005
FIOpsd - Centro Solidarietà Giovani (UD)
From biographical breakdowns to taylored solutions

16,19,26, 30, 31 May 2005
Dasein, Prov Torino, Comune Beinasco e Orbassano
Building a positive relation of care
Disability and social services
19, 26 February 2005
FIOpsd - Caritas Bologna
Methodology and motivation in the relation of care
New poverty and social exclusion
16,23 November 2004
FIOpsd – Centro Servizi Vivere Insieme – La Spezia
The care work between methodology and representation
Developing actions to support people experiencing homelessness
19, 26 April 2004
Fondazione Feyles Torino
The intervention of care with adult in need
Regional Abilitation Training for social workers
5 July 2003
COIRAG (Confederazione Organizzazioni Italiane Ricerca Analitica Gruppi) - Turin
The Gabor Pinter socio-drama in psychiatry
Workshop of the Ablilitation Course for Psychoterapist
6-9 June 2003
Lisbona (PT)
Local / transnational network and evaluation criteria
EU project LA vie en ROSE (Laboratory for Active Research On Social Exclusion)
23-25 May 2003
Barcelona (ES)
How to build a city network
21-23 March 2003
Lille (FR)
Networking strategies
14-15 February 2003
Lille (FR)
SSGIs for homeless people in network

January-June 2003
Coop Parella
Managing services for homeless people: basic notions of psychiatry
LLP Provincial Training for social workers
Communicative and relational aspects in care-giving
Managing services for homeless people: the biological risk
January-Aprile 2003
Feyles Foundation Torino
Care giving with homeless people
Regional Abilitation Training for social workers
8 March 2002

Adults in needs
Centre for psychoteraphy & psychopedagogy; SFEP
Introduction to psychology: its development through history
The group management and the operative praxis
Training for Coordinator of socio-educative services
Ist. statale Leopardi Trofarello (To)
English for children
Noon sessions
Istituto Juvarra Chivasso (To)
Psychology – Pedagogy – Educative methodology – Infant Neuropsichiatry
Regional Degree for Infant Assistant
The presentations, the abstract and other documentations will soon be available in forthcoming posts.


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