the Erasmus+ 2018 Call published

The deadlines, the application details & the 2018 Programme Guide of the Erasmus+ 2018 Call for Proposals are now available online on the E+website.  The available documents are:
The 2018 E+ call major changes include:
  • the budget has been incremented by €.200 million
  • the 2018 focus is set on projects supporting social inclusion (notably of refugees and migrants), as well as preventing radicalisation
  • more opportunities for E+ higher education students to carry out traineeships aimed at gaining digital skills
  • a new "Schools Exchange Partnerships" format under Strategic Partnerships to help schools better finding their way into cooperation projects
  • the action "Sector Skills Alliances" has been reintroduced
  • the funding rules for most actions have been fine-tuned
  • the deadlines are:
Action Deadline: all 12am CET 
KA1Mobility of individuals in the field of youth1 February 2018
Mobility of individuals in the field of higher education1 February 2018
Mobility of individuals in VET, school education and adult education fields1 February 2018
Mobility of individuals in the field of youth26 April 2018
Mobility of individuals in the field of youth4 October 2018
Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degrees15 February 2018
KA2Strategic partnerships in the field of youth1 February 2018
Strategic partnerships in the field of education and training21 March 2018
Strategic partnerships in the field of youth26 April 2018
Strategic partnerships in the field of youth4 October 2018
Knowledge Alliances28 February 2018
Sector Skills Alliances28 February 2018
Capacity building in the field of higher education8 February 2018
Capacity building in the field of youth8 March 2018
KA3Meetings between young people and decision-makers in the field of youth1 February 2018
26 April 2018
4 October 2018
Jean Monnet actions Chairs, Modules, Centres of Excellence, Support to Associations, Networks, Projects22 February 2018
Sport actions Collaborative partnerships; Small collaborative partnerships; Not-for-profit European sport events5 April 2018

I am on the finalization process of the implementation of training and supporting modules on PCM. Together with my colleagues at Diciannove and of the Generativity project, I remind you that before starting the planning and the application process, you should:
  • read carefully all available documents
  • follow the tips contained in the training modules on PCM which will be available soon on this very project-platform
register here and follow to be updated and supported in the application process of your project ideas


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