1st video from the Generativity project training on Project Cycle Management
Generativity is a project to share skills & knowledge on writing, submitting & implementing effective & sustainable projects, offering bibliography, training modules, tutorials on PCM (Project Cycle Management), and updates on new calls.
- module 0: general introduction on the principles of Project Cycle Management
- module 1: financial and programatic priorities of the EU2020 strategy within Eu programs
- module 2: how to structure an innovative and sustainable project idea
- module 3: building an international, national, local partnership
- module 4: submission procedures according to the guidelines of Eu Commission
- module 5: project implementation, valorization of results, finance and budgeting, monitoring and evaluation
Diciannove produced the first draft of the modules, which were tested during a joint staff training event which took place in Greece in June 2017; the summaries of these days have been published online on project website with a day-by-day chronicle.
Partners are now implementing the final version of the training modules on the base of the feedback that were developed during the training itself:
- Diciannove is implementing the modules 0 and 2
- Cardet is implementing the module 1
- Danmar is implementing the module 3
- UTH & KEA is implementing the module 4
- EEC is implementing the module 5
We are also finalizing a comprehensive bibliography on PCM, available soon on the project website.
This video is the 1st extract of the training: watch the video here
If you want to know on the project, its achievements and outputs, you can just check on the project website www.generativity.eu or register on the "how to collaborate" section to be constantly updated
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