Kids with hearing loss: research findings from the view of academic, practitioner, parent, & consumer

I am deeply convinced that the individuals we look after, the persons we address our care, are infact the true subjects of care.
I am following this principle since years, having the chance to transfer it into various professional experiences of community projects focusing on active participations

Between others, two were funded by Eu Commission between 2007 & 2011. In those projects ("On family side" & "Starting with families"), the parents of people with disabilities developed their experiences into narrative sets, that became training tools which was used by the parents themselves when they experienced as trainer for the professionals working with their children.
Lately in 2012, I shared my professional competences together with my personal experience of being a father of a deaf child; with Fiadda Association I run some group-work sessions addressed to the experience parenting deaf children. The findings are here.
More recently, I am thinking about a new project of "care", to be addressed to anyone who is an actor of care.
2014 London uk
On my way to develop this idea, find new collaborations & experiences of share, I met the amazing work of Krystyann Krywko.
She is an award-winning education writer & researcher, specialized in hearing loss, & how it affects children &  families. 
In addition to her professional experience & competences, she is a hearing loss mother of a son with hearing loss, who was diagnosed late. These experiences allow her to understand different dimensions & subtleties of the research process.
I deeply suggest to have a look & to register to her blog, which you find it here:

It is a bright example of my vision: the challenge to assess research findings from the view of academic, practitioner, parent, & consumer.


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